Chalmers University of Technology

Individual plan

Here, you can find your university's individual plan in the SIREUS project. This includes which areas of the U.S. you want to establish contact with, what thematic areas you want to find collaborations within and what you wish to acheive with your membership in the project.

What American universities/regions does your university want to focus on?

  • Within Life Sciences: Harvard, MIT, Stanford. 
  • Material Sciences: UC Santa Barbara, Stanford 
  • Transportation: University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, Penn State, University of Washington 
Chalmers wants to have better contact with universities in the geographical California and Massachusetts, especially the universities Stanford, Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara. We prefer to collaborate with these universities in the thematic areas* Life Sciences, Material Sciences and Transportation. In Education, we also like to collaborate with Arizona State, Purdue and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

What areas of research does your university want to focus on?

  • Quantum Computing 
  • Battery 
  • Electromobility 
  • Renewable Materials 
  • Green Transition 
  • Smart Cities 
  • Life Science 
  • Precision Medicine          
  • Precision Health/Precision Nutrition 
When it comes to research collaborations, Chalmers wishes to have more contact with Stanford, Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara in the thematic areas of Life Sciences, Material Sciences and Transportation.

How does your university want to work with innovation?

Regarding innovation, the University of Gothenburg desires enhanced connectivity with universities such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford, UC Berkeley, or within the geographical regions of California, Massachusetts, and the Carolinas. This collaboration is sought within thematic areas aligning with the offerings of the University of Gothenburg and corresponding to its expertise.

What else do you wish to acheive with the SIREUS project?

Chalmers would also like more help with the mediation of exchange partners relevant to Chalmers and student recruitment through our membership in SIREUS.