Lund University

Individual plan

Here, you can find your university's individual plan in the SIREUS project. This includes which areas of the U.S. you want to establish contact with, what thematic areas you want to find collaborations within and what you wish to acheive with your membership in the project.

General Contact Needs:

Lund University generally has existing good contacts, no need to expand. 

LU is interested in exploring collaboration opportunities with the Kendall Square/MIT innovation district in Cambridge, preferably with the help of SIREUS, the embassy and the consulate general in New York.

Innovation Goals:

Innovation Goals: Collaborate with Kendall Square/MIT in Cambridge. 

Research Collaboration Goals:

Research Collaboration Goals: Connect Swedish universities to activities that take place within the national investments with the USA, for example the Sweden-US Green Transition Initiative or the collaboration with the National Science Foundation regarding the research program Convergence Accelerator Program (CAP).

Other goals in the SIREUS project:

Lund University would like to continue collaborating on joint student recruitment activities. Fairs or recruitment events should be organized in places where we see that there is already support and interest in studying in Sweden. Lund University would like to see the Entrepreneurs Forum and Members Forum continue to be arranged and developed to create networking opportunities. However, we do not see the same potential in Chancellors Forum.