Mälardalen University

Individual plan

Here, you can find your university's individual plan in the SIREUS project. This includes which areas of the U.S. you want to establish contact with, what thematic areas you want to find collaborations within and what you wish to acheive with your membership in the project.

What American universities/regions does your university want to focus on?

The Automation Region is a center formation at MDU with a limited focus to work with the business community on issues around automation and IndTech, so I cannot answer for MDU as a whole but only based on our limited area. Automation Region is not involved in questions regarding Internships and Capstone so cannot answer for that, but on the contrary regarding research collaborations where we are particularly interested in collaborations with researchers in California where we have operations today. It is also interesting to identify new research collaborations with other Ivy League universities.

What areas of research does your university want to focus on?

​​​​​​​The thematic areas we are particularly interested in are Digital transformation and Green transition, with a focus on industrial applications.

How does your university want to work with innovation?

What else do you wish to acheive with the SIREUS project?